OKlahoma Gazette rehashes the OKC-9/11 connections in new cover story.
By Andrew W. Griffin
Red Dirt Report, editor
Posted: September 9, 2011
OKLAHOMA CITY – While readers in Central Oklahoma are reading Clifton Adcock’s rehashed, well-known Oklahoma-9/11 connections (high-flying antics at the Airman Flight School, Zacarias Moussaoui’s bumbling, etc.) there are other layers in this stinky onion that are far more shocking and are not being widely reported, even as we approach the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 horror.
In the summer of 2008, Red Dirt Report, along with other independent investigators here in Oklahoma City, collaborated with radio talk-show host and independent researcher and writer Jack Blood to expose a lesser-known side to Oklahoma’s link to the 9/11 terror plot.
Deep researcher Holland Van den Nieuwenhof, one of those Oklahoma City bombing investigators, had posted “Key to the Truth in Oklahoma: 4/19/95 and 9/11/01” in April 2008.
Van den Nieuwenhof’s scholarly and in-depth article lays out the amazing connections between some of the 9/11 hijackers, the curious case of beheaded Iraq War “contractor” Nick Berg and the failed OU football stadium suicide bomber Joel Henry Hinrichs. It’s a great read and it led to what would become an “explosive” story once again connecting Oklahoma and 9/11 in a way that to this day seems absolutely incredible.
The information linking 9/11 hijackers to several Central Oklahoma locales in the days prior to 9/11/01 was “almost accidentally” uncovered by Oklahoma City-based researchers Chris Emery and Holland Van den Nieuwenhof while working on their research into the 1995 Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building bombing here in Oklahoma City.
As Jack Blood announced on his Deadline Live radio program, based in Austin, Texas, Mohamed Atta and up to five of the 19 9/11 hijackers were seen in Oklahoma City between September 6, 2001 and September 8, 2001 by multiple witnesses who have provided signed affidavits confirming these encounters.
The 911 hijackers seen by witnesses with Atta in Oklahoma have been revealed as: Abdulaziz Alomari, Saeed Al-gamdi, Ahmed Alnami, and Hamza Algamdi.
As we reported on July 19, 2008 – over three years ago – This reporter, along with activist/researchers Chris Emery and Holland Van den Nieuwenhof were special guests on GCN’s “Deadline Live” radio show with host Jack Blood on July 18, 2008.
Discussed was explosive information regarding the fact that several witnesses in Oklahoma City have confirmed with eyewitness reports and credit card receipts (from expired government-issued credit cards) that five of the 19 9/11 hijackers were in Oklahoma City.
Among the information discussed, primarily by Emery, included:
1. That Mohammad Atta and four of his cohorts were sighted in Oklahoma City on the Thursday, Friday and Saturday before 9/11/01.
2. That three different witnesses see this same group of five men speaking in Middle Eastern language at the Oklahoma City National Memorial Museum four days before 9/11.
3. A volunteer at the museum hears the group being rowdy and disrespectful, tells them to “Shut up” and they leave. Atta was the ringleader of this group. The incident, Emery reported, really shook up the witness.
To read the full article, as it appears at Red Dirt Report, click here.
In a July 20, 2008 online article headlined: “WORLD EXCLUSIVE! The Last Nail in the Coffin of the 911 Myth Mohamed Atta in Oklahoma City September 2001.” (Audio interview at link) It outlined the shocking details of what the witnesses saw “Atta and crew” at an Oklahoma City nightclub in the days before 9/11/01 and a few days after that infamous date, Marwan Al Shehhi – another alleged hijacker – tried to start a fight at the bar and preferred a specific brand of Scotch that Mohamed Atta ordered, using an expired government credit card that actually worked six months after it was said to have expired. Blood’s article is a wild read.
Additionally, fellow researcher Michael P. Wright, a Norman-based writer and researcher who passed away in 2009, had also written extensively about several alleged 9/11 hijackers who had attended the University of Oklahoma in Norman and had residences in Oklahoma City and Tulsa, as originally reported by the Oklahoma Daily after the 9/11 attacks.
As independent investigators have come to discover here in Oklahoma, the establishment media and law enforcement are often pressured not to report the truth or seek the truth. For instance, Michael P. Wright wrote an article in 2005 at the European Bella Ciao website headlined, “KOCO-TV Suppresses an Explosive 9/11 News Report.”
Wright reported how Oklahoma City’s KOCO TV Channel 5 had reported how a ticket for one of the 9/11 hijackers had allegedly been purchased at a computer terminal at the University of Oklahoma library, a story Wright himself had already written about.
Allegedly, the FBI had questioned an OU librarian about the fact that the ticket was purchased for a hijacker aboard Flight 93 which crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. As Wright reported, “The purchaser was not a hijacker. He was a white American male and a temporary library employee.” It is believed that the “purchaser,” sporting a “neo-Nazi” skinhead look, was entrepreneur Nick Berg, the same guy who “lost his head” in Iraq in 2004 by Al Qaeda terrorists. Berg had been a student, and later ticketed for vagrancy, at OU while there in 2000.
And while he noted missing the KOCO news report, four others told Wright they had seen the report. Wright attempted to purchase a copy of the report but was told by KOCO reporter Terri Watkins – who had covered the trials of McVeigh and Terry Nichols - that KOCO had never aired the report, despite Wright’s friends saying otherwise. Nope, according to Terri Watkins the once-aired report simply did not happen.
Such is the way things are handled here in Orwellian Oklahoma.
Before Wright’s death on Sept. 16, 2009, which we wrote about here, he had released a press release, posted at Red Dirt Report 11 days before his death, showing “Oklahoma connection emerges in startling 9/11 Commission document.” What is interesting is that Wright had been a long-time critic of OU President David Boren (Skull and Bones, CFR)) and his connection to George Tenet, the CIA director at the time of the 9/11 attacks. In fact, Boren and Tenet were having a “leisurely breakfast” together that fateful morning. Wright had also contacted the 9/11 Commission about his numerous findings connecting Oklahoma and 9/11 and those efforts were ignored and in teh final 9/11 Commission report, they claimed they were “unaware of any evidence” of a meeting between Mohamed Atta and Zacarias Moussaoui – two men who loved visiting the Sooner State.
Talking to Chris Emery this week about the Oklahoma City 9/11 link the authorities and media continue to ignore, he told Red Dirt Report that little has changed.
“I think we’re pretty much where we were in 2008,” Emery said. “The information we gathered was presented to the writers and they refused to touch it.”
“The information we offered was info that took place within a week of the attacks,” he said. “There are leads here that need to be followed up on.”
But there is disinterest in the local media and with the local FBI office.
Emery and this reporter even presented the “Atta-in-OKC-right-before-9/11″ information to Oklahoma Gazette investigative reporter Ben Fenwick in 2008, and while he proved interested, he refused to return our phone calls.
“Honestly, I think they were surprised with our revelation and didn’t know what to do with it,” Emery said, adding that the local media and FBI didn’t want this information to come out because it was “embarrassing to them.”
A good reporter, Fenwick had traveled to Iraq with the 45th Infantry Brigade National Guard unit in 2004 and in 1997, broke a story in Playboy about Timothy McVeigh’s alleged purchase of nitromethane racing fuel at a racetrack in Ennis, Texas. It was allegedly used in the bomb blast, according to the article.
Emery speculates that Fenwick refused to investigate the 2008 story because “he tried to ingratiate himself with the FBI” while working on the McVeigh/racing fuel link story.
“A lot of people read Fenwick’s nitromethane story and were like ‘so what?’ It’s a red herring,” Emery said. “(Fenwick) takes on the comfortable stories and doesn’t want to go out on the edge.”
While the Jack Blood radio show, and the internet posts had some life in the alternative media world for a few weeks, mainstream media sources refused to even acknowledge it.
“By the end of August (2008), it pretty much went silent,” Emery said. The documents and other evidence gathered. it should be noted, has been safely secured in locations in the U.S. and Canada.
But it’s not too late for the media and law enforcement to take this information seriously and take a look at this information.
“I think we need to re-present the information, Emery said. “It needs to be followed up on. But since we first reported on it three years ago it hasn’t been touched.”
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Image of the actual receipt obtained in investigation of several hijackers reportedly seen before and after 9/11 attacks.